A conceptual design of the proposed Ho-Chunk Nation off-reservation in Beloit, Wisconsin. Image from Good for Beloit
The Ho-Chunk Nation continues to work on plans to expand its gaming enterprise in Wisconsin. In March 2014, the Ho-Chunk Nation Legislature approved a resolution to expand four facilities. However, the tribe has yet to break ground on any projects and has been modifying some of the plans to include hotels, restaurants and other amenities. “We have not started any of the projects yet. There’s a handful of reasons why, but basically we’re trying to get on the same page with the legislature as far as the funding portion of it,” Collin Price, the tribe's public relations officer, told The Jackson County Chronicle. To keep tribal members and the community informed about the effort, the tribe launched Ho-Chunk Forward. The site lists the four facilities where expansions are planned. Separately, the tribe is pursuing an off-reservation casino in Beloit. Get the Story:
Ho-Chunk Nation still eyeing gaming expansions (The Jackson County Chronicle 3/19) Federal Register Notice:
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Ho-Chunk Nation Beloit Casino Project, City of Beloit, Rock County, WI (November 26, 2012)
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