Jonodev Chaudhuri. Photo from National Indian Gaming Commission
The National Indian Gaming Commission will be holding four tribal consultation sessions in April and May. Tribes are being asked to provide their views on a range of subjects. They include: Privacy Act regulations, a National Environmental Policy Act manual, guidance on Minimum Internal Control Standards for Class III gaming and Buy Indian Act regulations. "Timely, meaningful and substantive consultations with tribes are simply the most efficient and practical way for the NIGC to fulfill our regulatory responsibilities," Jonodev Chaudhuri, the acting chairman of the agency, said in a press release. "We believe this discussion will lead to increased clarity and stability in the regulation of Indian gaming." The sessions will take place April 2 in San Diego, California; April 23 in Rapid City, South Dakota; April 30 in Shawnee, Oklahoma; and May 20 in Prior Lake, Minnesota. Related Stories:
National Indian Gaming Commission choice gets another hearing (2/27)
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