Artist's rendering of the proposed Menominee Nation off-reservation casino. Image from Casino Kenosha
Republican leaders in Iowa are urging Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) to reject an off-reservation casino for the Menominee Nation. The $800 million casino in Kenosha is not anywhere near the border that Wisconsin shares with Iowa. But conservative leaders in the neighboring state say gaming brings social problems. "As you are contemplating a presidential bid, I sincerely hope you will consider a 'No Expanding Gaming' policy," Tom Coates, the executive director of Consumer Credit of Des Moines, wrote in a letter to Walker, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. Indian gaming is usually not a national presidential campaign issue. But Walker's decision on the Menominee casino could affect how he is viewed among conservatives in his own party. Walker has until February 19 to decide on the casino. Get the Story:
Iowa conservatives warn Scott Walker about casino expansion (The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 1/17)
Tribe sues BIA over withheld documents (The Kenosha News 1/17)
Deadline for Kenosha casino decision one month away (Wisconsin Radio Network 1/19) Bureau of Indian Affairs Documents:
Press Release | Fact Sheet: Menominee Nation Decision | Section 20 Determination: Menominee Nation Off-Reservation Casino
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