Site in Barstow, California, where Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians wants to build an off-reservation casino. Photo from Barstow Casino and Resort
The Chemehuevi Tribe is still interested in an off-reservation casino in Barstow, California, Chairman Edward D. Smith said. The Chemehuevis have aboriginal ties to the area. But Smith said the Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians, whose $160 million Barstow Casino and Resort has the support of the community, does not have the same connection to Barstow. “Don’t try to change history,” Smith told the city council, The Victorville Daily Press reported. “It will end up being Coyotes area and change tribal history. I’m here to tell you we are moving forward to build a casino in Barstow.” The Bureau of Indian Affairs has published the final environmental impact statement for Los Coyotes casino. It's not clear where the Chemehuevis are in the process. Get the Story:
Tribes celebrate, protest casino progress (The Victorville Daily Press 5/7) Federal Register Notice:
Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Proposed Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeňo Indians 23-Acre Fee-to-Trust Transfer and Casino-Hotel Project, City of Barstow, San Bernardino County, California (April 18, 2014)
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