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Minnesota Indian Gaming Association opposes Internet lottery

Filed Under: Legislation
More on: internet, miga, minnesota

The Minnesota Lottery celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.

The Minnesota Indian Gaming Association is urging Gov. Mark Dayton (D) to reject Internet lottery sales.

Lawmakers are fast tracking a bill to allow the Minnesota Lottery to sell scratch tickets online. Tribes say it could lead to an expansion of other types of games.

“The new scratch-off sales are a little bit of a stretch,” John McCarthy, the group's executive director, told The Minneapolis Star Tribune. An expansion “makes us say, ‘Hold on, can they do all these things?’"

Dayton said he wants to learn more about the bill before determining his position.

Get the Story:
Gov. Dayton weighs in on marijuana, online lotto (KARE 5/12)
Minnesota lottery officials try to salvage online sales (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 5/9)

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