This graphic from The Middletown Times Herald-Record shows locations of casino proposals in the Catskills region of New York: 3 for Mohegan Tribe; 4 for Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation; and 8 for Stockbridge-Munsee Band.
With $22 million already in the state coffers, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) is making a big bet on commercial gaming:
Make no mistake about it. Gov. Cuomo’s administration is counting heavily on casino gambling as a major part of his strategy for economic development. By Thursday, 22 companies forked over the initial $1 million application fee as the first step in the process of selecting four sites for new casinos in the Empire State. As you might expect, there is little or no information regarding the companies or its principals. Not surprisingly, Caesar’s Entertainment, the landlord for 53 casinos around the globe, is onboard eyeing a complex estimated at more than $750 million. The governor has frequently touted the casino plan as an economic tool for upstate New York (exempting, of course, any location that would compete with the current Native American properties).Get the Story:
Don Glynn: Cuomo bets on gambling (The Niagara Gazette 4/27)
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