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Opinion: Spokane Tribe off-reservation casino is good for region

Filed Under: Casino Stalker | Opinion
More on: economy, employment, off-reservation, spokane, washington

Artist's rendering of proposed off-reservation casino. Image from STEP: Spokane Tribe Economic Project

Writers say Spokane Tribe off-reservation casino will generate jobs and revenue in Washington:
With Congress gridlocked and Olympia unable to reach consensus on meaningful fixes, we need private investment more than ever. We hear often how corporations say they’re holding back because of economic uncertainty. But in Spokane County there’s a game-changing proposal: The Spokane Tribe Economic Project will invest $400 million to develop 145 acres of vacant land into retail, restaurants, a hotel and, yes, a casino.

Let’s repeat: STEP would plow $400 million into an area where 30 percent of residents live in poverty. It would create 5,000 construction-related and permanent jobs. It would add $6.6 million to our tax rolls when it’s being built, and $4.7 million every year after that.

Annual payroll would be $50 million. There is no better anti-poverty program than that.

STEP would be an entertainment destination that will promote economic growth and stability for the entire region.

Get the Story:
Sharon Smith and Don Barbieri: STEP is good for tribe, region (The Spokesman Review 2/23)

Federal Register Notice:
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Spokane Tribe of Indians West Plains Casino and Mixed Use Project, City of Airway Heights, Spokane County, WA (February 1, 2013)

Related Stories:
City council debates Spokane Tribe's off-reservation casino plan (2/20)

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