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Editorial: Long shot on non-Indian casino in Massachusetts

Filed Under: Casino Stalker | Litigation | Opinion
More on: massachusetts, wampanoag

Artist's rendering of proposed First Light Resort and Casino. Image from Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

Newspaper doesn't think non-Indian developer will be able to open a casino in southeastern Massachusetts after a federal judge rejected a lawsuit that challenged a provision that benefits the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe:
The chances of a casino coming to New Bedford under the commonwealth's gaming law seem to dwindle with each bit of news. Circumstances may be doing more to prevent than to encourage one.

KG Urban's optimism hasn't waned, even with U.S. District Court Judge Nathaniel Gorton's ruling last week that Massachusetts' accommodations for tribal casinos in Southeastern Mass., are not unconstitutional.

KG is looking at the old NStar plant in the South End, and claims they have been hindered because the law's "set-aside" for a tribal casino violates the Equal Protection clause of the Constitution. Gorton disagreed.

Get the Story:
Our View: Longer odds on New Bedford casino (The New Bedford Standard-Times 1/12)

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