Lawmakers ask Navajo Nation to renegotiate casino compact

The Navajo Nation is once again being asked to renegotiate a Class III gaming compact with the state of New Mexico.

The tribe and Gov. Susana Martinez (R) have come up with two different agreements in the last year. But the Legislature's Committee on Compacts voted 9-5 on Friday to ask the parties to go back to the table and limit the number of new casinos allowed under the compact.

The tribe wants three more Class III gaming facilities, for a total of five in the state. Lawmakers want an agreement with only one more casino, an idea the Navajos oppose.

“We can deal with this in 15 minutes. You already know our position, and we’re not going to support it,” Navajo Nation Council Delegate Lorenzo Bates told the committee, The Albuquerque Journal reported.

Get the Story:
Lawmakers ask gov. to renegotiate Navajo gaming deal (The Santa Fe New Mexican 2/1)
Navajo gambling compact sent back for renegotiation (The Albuquerque Journal 2/1)
Panel Asks Navajos To Renegotiate Gaming Compact (AP 2/1)

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