Lawmakers continue push for Menominee Nation casino

Artist's rendering of the proposed Menominee Nation off-reservation casino. Image from Casino Kenosha

Lawmakers in Wisconsin are again calling on Gov. Scott Walker (R) to approve the Menominee Nation off-reservation casino.

A report from the Associated General Contractors of America showed a decline in construction jobs in one county and stagnant activity in another. Lawmakers say the Kenosha casino will create 1,400 construction jobs in those counties.

“We can’t wait. Approve this project, and let’s get people working again," the lawmakers said in a statement, The Racine Journal Times reported.

Walker has not said when he will make a decision on the casino.

Get the Story:
Legislators renew call for Kenosha casino following construction jobs report (The Racine Journal Times 1/16)

Bureau of Indian Affairs Documents:
Press Release | Fact Sheet: Menominee Nation Decision | Section 20 Determination: Menominee Nation Off-Reservation Casino

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