Jonodev Chaudhuri, a member of the Muscogee Nation, is serving as acting chairman of the National Indian Gaming Commission:
Chaudhuri joins Associate Commissioner Daniel J. Little on the Commission, who was sworn in for a second three-year term. Indian Country Today magazine characterized Chaudhuri as a strong advocate of tribal sovereignty and quoted him as being excited about the post and Indian gaming, which he believes "dramatically impacts and improves people's lives." Chaudhuri stated he would continue former Chairwoman Tracie Stevens' prioritization of collaboration and assistance to gaming tribes in order to minimize the necessity of punitive enforcement actions. The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act ("IGRA") provides for a three-person NIGC. The Chairperson is generally appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, and two Associate Commissioners are appointed by the Secretary of the Interior. IGRA requires that at least two members of the Commission must be enrolled Indian tribe members, and no more than two members of the Commission may be of the same political party. Due to the unique structure of the NIGC, as Acting Chairman, Chaudhuri alone is the decision maker in most Commission regulatory and enforcement actions. IGRA specifies that the powers of the Chairman include the issuance of temporary closure orders, levying of civil fines, approval of tribal gaming ordinances and management contracts, and any other powers delegated by the Commission. In general, the full Commission only acts to confirm or reverse the Chairman's actions on appeal.Get the Story:
Patrick Sullivan: Chaudhuri Appointed To National Indian Gaming Commission (Mondaq.com 12/4)
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