Voters in California will have their say on an off-reservation casino for the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians:
The tribe’s Charles Banks-Altekruse said that’s a misrepresentation. Governor Jerry Brown did sign a compact with North Fork allowing the project to go forward. But final federal approval is still needed. And Banks-Altekruse said the tribe has been working with the federal government for over a decade to acquire the land. “This is a very dangerous, anti-tribal sovereignty initiative," he said. "And we think that all tribes should take a look at this and respect the wishes and sovereignty of their fellow tribes.” The North Fork tribe said other tribes are just afraid of more competition. Opponents fear the project could start a race to get more casinos closer to population centers.Get the Story:
Referendum Could Stop North Fork Casino (California Public Radio 12/2) Bureau of Indian Affairs Documents:
Press Release | Fact Sheet: North Fork Rancheria Decision | Section 20 Determination: North Fork Rancheria Federal Register Notices:
Indian Gaming (October 22, 2013)
Land Acquisitions; North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians of California (December 3, 2012)
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