Menominee Nation Chairman Craig Corn defends his tribe's plan for an off-reservation casino:
Gov. Scott Walker has the chance to create 5,000 new direct and indirect Wisconsin jobs by approving a Kenosha casino. And despite the faulty reasoning of a recent Wisconsin State Journal editorial, citizens should be encouraged — indeed, urged — to tell Walker they want the casino and its thousands of jobs in Wisconsin, not Illinois. The State Journal’s editorial on Wednesday, “More casinos are a bad bet,” cited a 2012 Wisconsin Policy Research Institute report by UW-Green Bay professor Daniel Alesch that is essentially a special-interest advocacy paper disguised in academic clothing. The editorial suggested Wisconsin’s gaming market is saturated, with no room for growth. Multiple experts have found fault with that claim. In reality, credible analysis shows big opportunity and a vast, underserved market in southeast Wisconsin and the Chicago area that could be as high as $5.7 billion.Get the Story:
Menominee Nation Chairrnan Craig Corn: Walker should say yes to jobs and Kenosha (The Wisconsin State Journal 10/5) Bureau of Indian Affairs Documents:
Press Release | Fact Sheet: Menominee Nation Decision | Section 20 Determination: Menominee Nation Off-Reservation Casino Related Stories:
Editorial: Enough is enough - Deny Menominee Nation casino (10/2)
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