An anti-casino group in Wisconsin says it is not being funded by the Forest County Potawatomi Tribe. Enough Already! opposes an off-reservation casino for the Menominee Nation. So do the Potawatomis but the group's Republican leader says they aren't funding his effort. The Potawatomis operate an off-reservation casino in Milwaukee. The Menominees want to open a casino in Kenosha, about 40 miles away. The Kenosha casino has strong local support. But opposition from the Potawatomis likely means Gov. Scott Walker (R), who has said all 11 tribes must come to a consensus, will veto the project. Get the Story:
Who is funding casino foe? The mystery continues (The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 9/17)
Council urges governor to approve casino (The Kenosha News 9/17)
County Board resolution seeks governor’s approval of casino (The Kenosha News 9/18) Relevant Documents:
Fact Sheet: Menominee Nation Decision | Section 20 Determination: Menominee Nation Off-Reservation Casino
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