Tule River Tribe discusses possible move of casino with county

The Tule River Tribe of California might move its casino to a new site, Chairman Neil Peyron said.

The tribe initially proposed a second gaming facility but Peyron said that's off the table. Instead the tribe might move the Eagle Mountain Casino to a location that's closer to the highway and easier to access.

"The discussion to move it was to maybe get a little closer to highway 190 to take all the bad part of the road, the twisted road out so it can be a little safer to get to," Peyron said at a historic joint meeting between the tribe and Tulare County on Monday, KSFN-TV reported.

The tribe is drafting a memorandum of understanding to present to the county.

Get the Story:
Discussion under way to move Eagle Mountain Casino (KFSN-TV 7/15)
Tulare County, Tule River tribe pledge more talks (The Visalia Times Delta 7/16)

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