Forest County Potawatomi Tribe defends security for casino

The Forest County Potawatomi Tribe of Wisconsin said its casino security guards took appropriate action in response to a non-fatal shooting at the facility.

Guards at the Potawatomi Bingo Casino are not armed. "They are not to become interveners, they are to become witnesses," a spokesperson told The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

One guard called for backup after a fight broke out on the gaming floor, the spokesperson said. However, other officers happened to be assisting another patron elsewhere in the facility at the time.

A 23-year-old woman was shot but did not suffer life-threatening injuries. Charges are possible against a 27-year-old male suspect.

The casino is located in downtown Milwaukee. Local police exercise jurisdiction there.

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Potawatomi casino reviews security as charges loom in shooting (The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 6/18)

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