Judge won't let Wampanoag tribes intervene in gaming lawsuit

A federal judge won't allow the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and the Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribe to intervene in a gaming lawsuit in Massachusetts.

Judge Nathaniel Gorton said the state can represent the interests of both tribes. He also noted that the lawsuit won't affect the Mashpee Tribe's rights under federal law.

"This is very positive for the tribe," Mashpee Chairman Cedric Cromwell, said in a press release. "Our concern was that KG Urban not be allowed to use its lawsuit to in any way effect our rights as a sovereign nation or to interfere with the incredible progress we are making to finalize a deal with the state and have our land taken into trust. The court has now made it clear that KG Urban cannot do so, and there is no need for us to participate in the case. We are moving forward."

K.G. Urban Enterprises is a non-Indian developer that sued the state in order to bid on a casino in the same region where the tribe is pursuing a casino. The Massachusetts Gaming Commission has agreed to accept non-Indian bids.

The Aquinnah Tribe has been shut out of the casino process by the state. The lawsuit was seen as a way for the tribe to get into the game.

Get the Story:
Judge dismisses tribe's efforts to intervene in casino suit (The Cape Cod Times 6/7)
Judge rejects tribes’ motions in KG Urban lawsuit (The Taunton Daily Gazette 6/7)
Federal Judge Denies Motion from Vineyard Tribe to Join Casino Case (The Vineyard Gazete 6/6)
Judge denies Wampanoag requests to intervene in casino lawsuit (The Martha's Vineyard Times 6/6)

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