A recent article in The Spokesman-Review claimed this casino is needed to combat the 50 percent unemployment on the reservation. Currently, all tribal casinos have a Native American-friendly hiring practice, that gives preference to any Native American tribe member and any relative of a tribe member. So these tribal members could already have casino jobs, if they had bothered to apply. If the Spokane Tribe wants to build something to lower unemployment on the reservation, why not a theme park, sports complex for kids or something that actually benefits our society instead of another pointless hole for people to throw away their money. We already have one of those.Get the Story:
E. C. Guise: Casinos not worth it (The Spokesman Review 5/11) Federal Register Notice:
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Spokane Tribe of Indians West Plains Casino and Mixed Use Project, City of Airway Heights, Spokane County, WA (February 1, 2013)
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