Opinion: End lawsuits against Tohono O'odham Nation casino

Newspaper calls for end to litigation against the Tohono O'odham Nation off-reservation casino:
After four years, one would think the issue of whether the Tohono O’odham Nation’s plans for West Valley Resort and Casino would be gathering dust in some tribal official’s office in Sells.

But, we do not live in a common-sense, reasonable, live-and-let-live world. We live in a world where it is dog eat dog and cat fights - and endless court appearances.

For those who have been following this seemingly never-ending tale, it probably is becoming very tiresome by now. For people in the newspaper business, it has been like chasing one ruling after another, then another, then another. It seems like Deja vu all over again, again and again.

Get the Story:
Editorial: Casino issue has gone on long enough – stop the lawsuits (The Peoria Times 5/10)

Also Today:
Council reaffirms support of tribal casino (The Peoria Times 5/10)

District Court Decision:
Arizona v. Tohono O'odam Nation (May 7, 2013)

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