Expansion of gaming doesn't lead to more treatment funding

Gaming options are increasing in the East but that doesn't always translate to more funding for problem gambling programs.

Based on figures in an Associated Press article, Pennsylvania appears to provide the most for treatment programs. The state has put $17.5 million in into the Problem Gambling Treatment Fund since 2007, or about $3.5 million a year.

Connecticut, on the other hand, only spent $1.9 million on problem gambling services in 2012, the AP said. In Massachusetts, Gov. Deval Patrick (D) cut funding for similar programs to $1.3 million, according to the AP.

New Jersey has allowed full-scale casinos since 1978. But treatment funds have stayed steady at $850,000 for the past three years, the AP said.

That funding is expected to increase with the advent of Internet gambling. Casinos that offer online games will be required to pay another $250,000 a year treatment programs.

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Funds to treat compulsive gambling don't keep pace with increased need (AP 5/5)

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