Ho-Chunk Nation says off-reservation casino comes in compact

The Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin says its Class III gaming compact includes authorization for a fourth casino.

The compact doesn't set a limit on the location of the casino. So the tribe isn't worried about criteria set by Gov. Scott Walker (R), who says all 11 tribes in the state must agree to new gaming developments.

“I don’t see why the governor would breach the compact. I wouldn’t expect him to,” President Jon Greendeer told The Beloit Daily News.

The tribe has submitted a land-into-trust application to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for a casino in Beloit. An environmental impact statement is being prepared.

Get the Story:
Walker sets new rule for casinos (The Beloit Daily News 3/2)

Federal Register Notice:
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Ho-Chunk Nation Beloit Casino Project, City of Beloit, Rock County, WI (November 26, 2012)

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