"Case name: Carter v. Industrial Commission of Arizona, No. 1 CA-IC 12-0001 (Ariz. Ct. App. 10/25/12).
Ruling: The Arizona Court of Appeals held that a worker was not entitled to benefits under the workers' compensation law because she was an employee of a tribal enterprise and she was covered by that entity's workers' compensation insurance.
What it means: In Arizona, employees of Indian tribes cannot receive workers' compensation from the state. Rather, they must file claims with the tribe's workers' compensation carrier.
Summary: A worker for a casino alleged that she injured her neck, low back, and right knee when she fell while reaching to move a box on top of a cabinet. An investigation of her claim revealed that the casino was operating as a tribal enterprise, and as a result, her claim was a tribal workers' compensation claim. "
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Indian casino employee can't receive double compensation
(Risk & Insurance 2/11)
Arizona Court of Appeals Decision:
Carter v. Industrial Commission of Arizona (October 25, 2012)
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