Dave Palermo: Washburn shifts stance on Class III regulation

"[Kevin] Washburn, who in 2005 testified that the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) should be amended to give the National Indian Gaming Commission more regulatory authority over Class III, casino-style gaming on Indian lands, said he is no longer certain that opinion is valid.

“I was an academic back then … in a lonely ivory tower,” Washburn said.

“Now we have a historical record” that apparently shows tribal and state governments are doing a competent job regulation the industry without strong federal oversight.

“It’s a highly regulated industry, for sure,” he said.

Many tribal advocates are concerned gambling is driving federal Indian policy. There is also a growing fear that a false public perception of Indian governments as purveyors of casinos rather than culturally rich, indigenous communities is prompting harmful court decisions and IRS intrusion into tribal affairs.

Washburn shares those concerns.

“To some degree gaming has hijacked all Indian policy. That’s true,” Washburn said. “I’m not sure we’ll ever get away from that."

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Dave Palermo: Self-governance guides BIA appointee Kevin Washburn (Pechanga.net 11/5)

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