California tribal group wants rules for off-reservation casinos

The California Tribal Business Alliance, a group that represents three tribes, is calling for "strict guidelines" for future off-reservation casino projects.

CTBA opposes an off-reservation casino for the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians. The group claims the project will only benefit a Las Vegas developer.

“This is no longer about tribes being self-sufficient on their own terms and on their own land. This is about investors trying to make money off a profitable industry on their terms," CTBA Chairwoman Leslie Lohse said in a press release.

Lohse said Gov. Jerry Brown (D) should work with tribes to develop guidelines that include "distance limitations" on new casinos. The press release didn't specify a number -- the North Fork gaming site is about 36 miles from its headquarters.

CTBA's members include the Lytton Band of Pomo Indians. Rather than go through the land-into-trust process that the North Fork Rancheria followed, the tribe opened an off-reservation casino on land that was acquired under an act of Congress.

The San Pablo Lytton Casino is nearly 60 miles from the tribe's office.

Another member, the Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians, opened a casino on land in connection with an act of Congress that restored the tribe to federal recognition. The acquisition was mandatory so the tribe did not need to go through the same federal review process as the North Fork Rancheria and it did not require state approval either.

The Rolling Hills Casino is only about 10 miles from the tribe's office.

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Governor Brown Changes the Rules for Indian Casinos: Statement by CTBA (CTBA 9/11)

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