Augustine Band completes new solar energy facility for casino

The Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians is using solar energy to supply nearly all of the power to its casino in southern California.

The tribe recently completed a two-megawatt solar photovoltaic facility on five acres next to the Augustine Casino. It operates in parallel to an existing one-megawatt facility that went online in 2008.

The new energy source puts the tribe in a position to supply power to local communities. The Imperial Irrigation District will be able to tap into the solar facility.

“The men and women at IID really busted their tails to get this project done,” Harold Rapp, the engineer/manager at the casino said in a press release. “We couldn’t have a better partner for the next 25 years.”

Get the Story:
IID taps tribe's solar power (The Imperial Valley Press 7/26)
IID to patch into Augustine Casino’s solar energy (KSWT-TV 7/25)