Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe faces referendum on gaming plans

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and its $500 million casino project face voters in Taunton, Massachusetts, tomorrow.

The tribe has spent $300,000 on Together for Taunton to promote the casino, which has the support of voters, according to a recent poll. The tribe reached an agreement with the city and will share millions of dollars of revenues.

The tribe is also negotiating a Class III gaming compact with Gov. Deval Patrick (D). A deal is expected by a July 31 deadline in state law.

If everything falls into place, the big hurdle will be gaining approval of a land-into-trust application. The Bureau of Indian Affairs has started the review process.

The tribe gained federal recognition in May 2007.

Get the Story:
Taunton Residents Weigh Pros, Cons Of Casino Proposal (WBUR 6/8)
Backers of proposed Taunton casino outspend opponents (The Taunton Daily Gazette 6/8)
Taunton voters could change anti-casino tide (The New Bedford Standard-Times 6/8)
Taunton casino proposal hangs on Saturday vote (Turn to 10 6/7)
Middleboro selectmen want to clarify status of tribe land in town (The Brockton Enterprise 6/8)

Some Opinions:
Anthony LaCourse: Casino stakes are too high for Taunton (The Taunton Daily Gazette 6/8)
Casino industry must wait for public approval (The Boston Globe 6/8)

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