Critics question Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe casino agreement

Critics said the city of Taunton, Massachusetts, will be on the losing end of a gaming agreement with the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.

The tribe plans to build a $500 million resort with the promise of thousands of construction and permanent jobs. But critics said there's no guarantee that locals will get any of the positions or that the city will be able to enforce the deal in court.

"The agreement is full of loose ends that could cost taxpayers a lot of money," Adam Bond, a former leader of a town that had a gaming agreement with the tribe, said at a forum last night, The New Bedford Standard-Times reported.

The forum was organized by an anti-casino group.

Get the Story:
Taunton casino foes warn of faulty agreement (The New Bedford Standard-Times 5/24)
Anti-casino forum presents downside of tribe proposal in Taunton (The Taunton Daily Gazette 5/24)

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City council to discuss Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe casino deal (5/22)