Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe promises action on casino 'soon'

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe will make an announcement about its gaming plans "very soon," Chairman Cedric Cromwell said.

The tribe plans to open a casino in southeastern Massachusetts. But two sites have already fallen through as the tribes faces a July 31 deadline to negotiate a Class III gaming compact.

The tribe also must have a land agreement in place and schedule an election in the host community by July 31. Land is seen as the biggest hurdle.

“We are finalizing our plans for a destination resort location in southeastern Massachusetts, which will then be included in our land in trust application currently being processed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs," Cromwell said in a statement, according to news reports.

If the tribe doesn't meet the deadline, the state can open up the southeastern region to other casino bidders.

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