Editorial: Legalized gaming still a bad bet in Massachusetts

"Is casino gambling an economic cure for Massachusetts?

We’re not putting our money on it. As we slog through the after-effects of the worst economic slowdown since the Great Depression, and a job market that just can’t seem to find adequate traction, the political powers that be on Beacon Hill are once again being seduced by the allure of blackjack tables, roulette wheels and slot machines. That could pump more than $500 million into the state’s coffers, based on a $2 billion gross revenue estimate for casinos in a 2008 study by the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.

Yes, casino gambling will surely bring both short- and long-term jobs, as well as added revenue for the commonwealth. But what happens a few years down the road after the economy picks up? Will casinos have made Massachusetts a more desirable or less desirable state for business investment? Will they undermine what has been the core strength of the commonwealth as an incubator for innovative companies and industries, supported by a foundation of strong public and private education?

There are ways to direct public investment toward economic growth. Casino gambling isn’t one of them. "

Get the Story:
Editorial: Casinos In Mass. Are Still A Bad Bet (The Worcester Business Journal 9/11)

Another Opinion:
Sue Tucker: Taxpayers may get fleeced by casino gambling bill (The Salem News 9/12)