Investor sues Seneca Nation and gaming firm for failed casino

An investor is suing the Seneca Nation and a gaming firm over a failed off-reservation casino in New York.

The tribe and Rotate Black Gaming partnered to open a casino in the Catskills region near New York City. The deal ended in December 2009 and now investor Charles Petri wants his money and his land back.

Petri and his company, 3D Associates, said the tribe owes him $15 million for failing to build the casino. He also wants to reclaim title to a 63-acre property that was transferred to the tribe.

The tribe never had a relationship with Petri or 3D Associates, President Robert Odawi Porter told The Middletown Times Herald-Record in a statement.

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Investor sues tribe for failing to build casino in Sullivan County (The Middletown Times Herald-Record 3/25)