Enterprise Rancheria optimistic after BIA action on casino plan

The Enterprise Rancheria of California is moving closer to a final decision on its proposed casino.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs began the review of the project in May 2005. The draft environmental impact statement was released in February 2008 and the Obama administration last week said it is almost done with the final document.

"This is the culmination of years and years of hard work to not only realize our dream for self-sufficiency and economic development, but meet and mitigate the needs in the community," Charles Altekruse, the community relations director for the tribe, told The Marysville / Yuba City Appeal-Democrat.

The tribe is seeking to have 40 acres placed in trust for the casino.

Get the Story:
Enterprise Rancheria casino proponents say casino is close to reality (The Marysville / Yuba City Appeal-Democrat 8/10)

Federal Register Notice:
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Enterprise Rancheria Gaming Facility and Hotel Fee-to-Trust Acquisition Project, Yuba County, CA (August 6, 2010)

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