Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe switches location for casino bid

As anticipated, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe announced plans to build a casino in Fall River, Massachusetts.

The tribe plans a $500 million resort on a 300-acre site in the city. The project would be built in phases, with a $140 million casino to come first, followed by two hotels and retail space.

The tribe agreed to buy the land from the city. The purchase price was not reported and the deal still awaits approval by a local development agency.

The tribe initially planned a casino in the town of Middleboro. But after going through a change in leadership and finding new investors, the tribe went looking for other locations.

The tribe already started the land-into-trust process for 539 acres in Middleboro. The tribe would have to file a new application for the site in Fall River.

The application faces questions under the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Carcieri v. Salazar, which restricts the land-into-trust process to tribes that were "under federal jurisdiction" in 1934. The Mashpees didn't gain formal recognition until May 2007.

Members of Congress introduced legislation to fix the decision but the bills have stalled. The Obama administration plans to issue regulations to address the ruling internally.

Get the Story:
Tribe switches casino locale to Fall River (The Cape Cod Times 5/18)
Mashee Wampanoag Tribe, city officials announce casino agreement (The Fall River Herald News 5/18)
Fall River Redevelopment Authority hears public comment on casino (The Fall River Herald News 5/18)
Fall River casino deal stalls (The Cape Cod Times 5/18)
Fall River hits jackpot (The Boston Herald 5/18)
Casino pitched for Fall River (The Boston Globe 5/18)
In Middleborough, some are disappointed by the change of plans (The Boston Globe 5/18)
Middleboro split over losing proposed casino to Fall River (The Brockton Enterprise 5/18)
Former selectman says Middleboro has itself to blame for failure of casino deal (The Brockton Enterprise 5/18)

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