
Tribes facing bills for Internet gaming and off-reservation gaming

It looks like December might be a busy month for Indian gaming, with two potentially negative bills making the rounds on Capitol Hill.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California), the chair of the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, is trying to make it extremely difficult for tribes to engage in gaming on newly acquired lands. Her controversial bill was finally introduced early Sunday, Capitol Weekly reported.

Separately, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada), the Senate majority leader, is circulating a bill to regulate Internet gaming. The draft would "supersede" any tribal or state laws regarding Internet gaming, according to Capitol Weekly.

Both measures could attached to appropriations bills as the 111th Congress winds down.

Get the Story:
Harry Reid seeking federal regulation of online poker (Capitol Weekly 12/6)
‘Carcieri fix’ held hostage (Indian Country Today 12/7)

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