
New York | Opinion
Opinion: Shinnecock Nation casino deserves a serious look

Ed. Note: Al D’Amato is a former U.S. Senator from New York.

"Last week, freshman Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano laid it on the line for county residents. He told us that the county is facing a $286 million deficit, the largest in its history. Because Mangano is committed to not raising taxes, he must be proactive and think outside the box for ways to raise much-needed revenue.

And so, last Tuesday, Mangano announced that he was in the early stages of negotiations with the Shinnecock Nation regarding the possibility of constructing a casino and entertainment center on the 77-acre Nassau Coliseum site and the surrounding property. The idea may have shocked many of my fellow Long Islanders, but believe me, it deserves serious consideration.

Understandably, there are many questions about a project of this magnitude, but Mangano’s proposal has tremendous potential to create the job and revenue growth Long Island desperately needs.

In my opinion, in today’s economy, it makes a lot more sense than the previously proposed Lighthouse project. For six years, real estate developer Charles Wang, the majority owner of the New York Islanders, has been pressuring elected officials from the Town of Hempstead and Nassau County to authorize this $3.7 billion project."

Get the Story:
Alfonse D'Amato: A casino deserves serious consideration (The Long Island Herald 5/6)

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