
California | Opinion
Editorial: Appeal decision on tribal compact negotiation

"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has no problem with gambling. He presided over a major expansion of the Indian casino industry during his six years in office, but sought a piece of the action on behalf of the state.

He fell far short of his promise to extract a billion dollars from casinos owned by California Indian tribes.

But if this week's ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals stands, Schwarzenegger and his successors stand little chance of ever raising significant money from the tribes' enterprises and shouldn't even bother trying.

The Schwarzenegger administration is right to appeal. We, too, urge the full 9th Circuit to reconsider the ruling."

Get the Story:
Editorial: Indian compacts come back to bite (The Sacramento Bee 4/23)

9th Circuit Decision:
Rincon Band v. Schwarzenegger (April 20, 2010)

Earlier Story:
Republican nominees decided compact negotiation case (4/22)
California tribal casino sharing fund slowly losing money (4/22)
Schwarzenegger to ask for rehearing in compact lawsuit (4/21)
Rincon Band wins case on Class III compact negotiation (4/20)
Pauma Band awaits final ruling in gaming compact case (4/19)
Judge indicates he might invalidate Pauma casino compact (4/6)
Another California tribe wins case over slot machine cap (3/31)