
California | Opinion
Opinion: United Auburn gaming revenues help community

"A grant from California’s Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund is helping the Roseville Police Department prevent crime and keep the city safer in difficult economic times.

The $34,154 grant, which was awarded last May, is helping the Roseville Police Department provide after-hours investigations, crime prevention patrols, youth services, equipment and maintenance.

The Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund was established by the state and based on an assessment on tribal gaming machines that were in place prior to 1999.

Grants are distributed to local government agencies to mitigate the effects of tribal gaming. Placer County’s Indian Gaming Local Community Benefit Committee, in conjunction with the United Auburn Indian Community, reviews applications and makes recommendations to the State Controller’s Office about which applicants should be awarded grants.

Priorities for funding have been established by the state, and include such things as law enforcement, fire services, health, water supplies, environmental impacts and youth programs."

Get the Story:
Roseville Mayor Gina Garbolino: Gaming money helps police combat crime (The Roseville Press-Tribune 3/24)