Schwarzenegger against Guidiville casino bid

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) sent a letter to the Bureau of Indian Affairs in opposition to the casino sought by the Guidiville Band of Pomo Indians.

When state voters approved a gaming initiative in 2000, they didn't want tribes to open casinos in urban areas, according to Schwarzenegger. The casino site is near Richmond, in the Bay Area.

"Proposition 1A was not intended to expose the most populous areas of the state to the effects of casino-style gambling," Andrea Hoch, Schwarzenegger's legal affairs secretary, wrote in the letter, The Contra Costa Times reported. "This proposed land acquisition, if approved, may also undermine the constitutionality of California's Indian gaming regime." The tribe wants to open a 240,000-square-foot casino and hotel in

The BIA is working on an environmental impact statement / environmental impact report for the proposed casino at Point Molate.

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Governor opposes Richmond casino plan (The Contra Costa Times 10/14)