County approves Seneca off-reservation casino deal

The Seneca Nation will pay Sullivan County, New York, over $100 million under an off-reservation casino agreement approved by the county legislature.

The tribe agreed to pay $15.5 million a year for the first two years and $20 million a year for the following five years. The money will be used to offset the impacts of the casino in the town of Thompson.

"We are thrilled with today's progress and the nation and I would like to personally thank the legislators for their unanimous support of this agreement," President Barry Snyder said in a press release.

County officials initially balked at proposed casino because the tribe had not agreed to make such payments. Similar agreements have been made with two other tribes seeking off-reservation casinos in the Catskills.

The tribe is seeking Congressional approval for the casino rather than pursue it through the Interior Department.

Get the Story:
Sullivan lawmakers approve financial agreement with Seneca tribe (Mid-Hudson News Network 4/23)
Sullivan County inks casino impact deal with Senecas (The Middletown Times Herald-Record 4/23)