Editorial: Expanded casino liquor sales a bad idea

"Question: How desperate is too desperate?

Answer: Around-the-clock liquor sales at Connecticut's Indian-owned casinos.

Gov. M. Jodi Rell has suggested liquor sales be extended to 24 hours a day at Foxwoods Resort, MGM Grand at Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun casinos to help pump desperately needed revenues into Connecticut coffers.

It's a lousy idea.

The state is hemorrhaging revenues but permitting liquor sales at the casinos beyond what is legally allowed elsewhere in the state is only asking for trouble. Drinkers at other establishments will be inclined to head to the casinos as closing time draws near at off-reservation cafes and bars, putting themselves and others on the road in peril. And patrons at the casinos who otherwise would leave will be tempted to stay longer to imbibe one or two more."

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Editorial: Casino Liquor 24/7 A Bad Idea (The New London Day 3/1)