
Rhode Island governor flip flops on casino

After spending years fighting the Narragansett Tribe, Rhode Island Gov. Donald Carcieri (R) supports a gaming referendum.

Carcieri vigorously opposed the tribe's efforts to authorize a commercial casino. But now that he's heading out of office -- due to term limits -- he says voters should consider a referendum to turn the bankrupt Twin River racetrack into a casino.

"I would say that the people should decide on this," Carcieri said on WPRO radio.

In addition to opposing the Narragansetts on gaming, Carcieri took a land-into-trust case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The result was the decision in Carcieri v. Salazar, which cast doubts on the ability of tribes to acquire trust lands.

Key members of Congress have introduced legislation to fix the decision. The Narragansett Tribe wants to buy the Twin Rivers track and turn it into an Indian casino if the fix becomes law.

Get the Story:
Carcieri now in favor of referendum on a casino (The Providence Journal 10/8)

Land-Into-Trust Bill:
S.1703 | H.R.3697 | | Dorgan Floor Statement

Supreme Court Decision:
Syllabus | Opinion [Thomas] | Concurrence [Breyer] | Dissent [Stevens] | Concurrence/Dissent [Souter]

Supreme Court Documents:
Oral Argument Transcript | Briefs