States with commercial casinos and lotteries saw a decline in their revenues over the last year. The 12 states with commercial casinos reported $4.5 billion in revenues in the year that ended in June. That's 7.4 percent less than they made the year prior. Of the 42 states with lotteries, 38 of them reported $14.5 billion in revenues. That's 2.6 percent below the amount from the year prior. Despite the drop, many states are looking for ways to expand gaming. But experts caution against betting on casinos and lotteries. :The data shows that states take a real chance in depending on gambling because this revenue is not likely to keep pace with growing budgetary needs," Lucy Dadayan, a senior analyst at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government at the State University at Albany, told The New York Times. Get the Story:
States Face Drop in Casino and Lottery Revenues for First Time (The New York Times 9/10)