
NIGC develops database for background checks

The National Indian Gaming Commission has developed an online database that tribes can use to obtain background information on prospective employees.

The Tribal Access Portal (TAP) allows tribes to determine whether a license applicant has a history with other tribal gaming facilities. The system will list the tribes the applicant has worked with, as well as contact information for those tribes.

“As the Indian gaming industry matures, more and more frequently licenses will be sought by individuals who have applied for or been granted licenses by other tribes engaged in Indian gaming,” said NIGC Chairman Phil Hogen. “Verifying applicants’ licensing history with other gaming tribes is challenging, and the National Indian Gaming Commission is extremely pleased to announce a new tool to expedite that process and help ensure that it is comprehensive.”

The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act requires tribes to issue licenses for "primary management officials and key employees of the gaming enterprise."

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Press Release: NIGC Offers New Database for Background Information (NIGC 9/9)