
Compacts | Legislation
Still no deal on Seminole Tribe's gaming compact

The Florida Legislature adjourns on Friday but it doesn't look like lawmakers will reach a deal over Class III gaming for the Seminole Tribe.

The House and the Senate passed dramatically different bills affecting the tribe's ability to operate slot machines and table games. Gov. Charlie Crist (R) and the tribe came up with a third proposal but lawmakers haven't seem to reached agreement on any of the issues.

“I think it’s at a standstill,” state Rep. Carlos Lopez-Cantera (R) told The South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

The tribe's compact was approved by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. before it was invalidated by the Florida Supreme Court.

Get the Story:
On gambling, no deal in sight (The South Florida Sun-Sentinel 4/27)
Florida may gamble on casinos for revenue (The Jacksonville News 4/28)