"In a February editorial, we raised concerns about a proposal being pushed in Hartford that would force a no-smoking ban on the region’s casinos. Although we appreciate the underlying health issue of second-hand smoke, we felt then that negotiations were a more appropriate response to resolving the issue.
Our opinion hasn’t changed, but the proposal to mandate a smoking ban has moved forward. A legislative committee recently approved the measure that sets a time frame by which the casinos must be completely smoke-free.
Not surprising, the Mohegan Tribe, owners of the Mohegan Sun, responded very clearly that it would view such a law as a direct affront to it’s tribal sovereignty, and would most certainly challenge such a measure in the courts. And to emphasis how serious the tribe considers the matter, tribal leaders also said they would consider such action a violation of the compact between the tribe and state, and thus withhold all future slot revenue payments to the state.
There is no benefit to anyone when lines are drawn in the sand."
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Our view: Smoking ban shouldn’t be forced by state
(The Norwich Bulletin 4/1)
Connecticut | Opinion
Editorial: Don't force smoking ban on tribal casinos
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
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