Barry E. Snyder Sr., the president of the Seneca Nation of New York, was removed as chairman of the tribe's gaming corporation in what The Buffalo News said was a "surprise" vote on Friday. Snyder served as chairman of the Seneca Gaming Corp. since 2004. In the last few months, the corporations' vice chairman resigned amid a federal investigation and the tribe's top gaming lawyer was forced out. Snyder didn't offer a reason for his removal but said some tribal members are leaking information to the press about the tribe's finances. A preliminary audit turned up some apparently illegal activities under the former vice chairman. The gaming corporation recently laid off 210 people and halted work on a casino expansion due to the faltering economy. Get the Story:
Seneca Gaming ousts Snyder as chairman in surprise move (The Buffalo News 3/14)
Gaming official tied to land sale fraud (The Buffalo News 3/15)
Audit says Seneca business arrangement benefits just a few (The Buffalo News 3/16)