Gaming opponents in Michigan are hoping another lawsuit will block the Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians from securing land for a casino. The courts have already rejected one case, MichGo v. Kempthorne. But a federal judge is considering a different lawsuit that could hold up the tribe's land-into-trust application. Chairman D.K. Sprague doesn't think the opponents have a shot. "Time for the red man to get ahead, man," he told The Grand Rapids Press, citing the inaugural benediction for President Barack Obama. "I think we're there. I think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and everybody looks forward to the groundbreaking." The judge has until 5pm on Monday to resolve the issue, the paper reported. Get the Story:
Judge's ruling in next few days could make Wayland Township casino nearly a sure bet (The Grand Rapids Press 1/22)