Tulalip Tribes casino linked to drunk driving arrests

The casino owned by the Tulalip Tribes of Washington tops the state's list of the places where drunk drivers said they had their last drink.

Based on data complied by the Washington Liquor Control Board, 59 people who were arrested for drunken driving in 2008 said they were coming from the Tulalip Resort Casino. "It's more than we wanted," executive vice president Brett Magnan told The Everett Herald.

The data is incomplete because not all drivers provide information about the location of their last drink. The 59 people represents only a small percentage of the 20,342 DUI arrests throughout the state.

The casino offers free cab rides and free hotel rooms for people who appear to have too much to drink.

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Many arrested for DUI said last drink served at Tulalip casino (The Everett Herald 1/5)