Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe to meet with state

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and the state of Massachusetts will meet today to discuss gaming issues amid news reports of a potential Class III compact.

The tribe won federal recognition last year and is seeking to have an initial reservation placed in trust. Part of that reservation will be used for a casino.

Gov Deval Patrick (D) on Monday said he plans to negotiate a compact. Talks could begin this month but the tribe and the state are already meeting today to discuss transportation issues related to the proposed casino.

Without a compact, the tribe could still offer Class II games on its trust lands.

Get the Story:
Dimasi Calls Casino Compact 'Premature' (WBZ 6/10)
Patrick says he would negotiate with tribe over a casino (The Boston Globe 6/11)
Governor, tribe see casino talks (The Boston Herald 6/11)
Mashpee tribe and governor's aide to meet over traffic issues related to casino (The New Bedford Standard-Times 6/11)