Editorial: Vote yes on Propositions 94-97

"Earlier this month, the citizens of California were given the news that their state was suffering from a whopping budget deficit of approximately $14 billion. As a means of comparison, this amount is approximately equal to the gross domestic products of more than one third of the world's economies, or all of the money that is made by everyone in Iceland and Cyprus in one year combined.

Not surprisingly, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared California to be in a state of fiscal emergency, and has proposed a plan that would cut funding to programs, including community college education, by 10 percent.

Fortunately, on Feb. 5 California voters will be given the opportunity to significantly alleviate their state's budget crisis by voting "yes" on Propositions 94 - 97. These four propositions are referendums on agreements previously reached between the Pechanga, Morongo, Sycuan and Agua Caliente Native American tribes and the government of California regarding an expansion of the tribes' casino operations and tax payments to the state. All four tribes strongly support the propositions.

The benefits of these agreements are clear, and are particularly compelling given California's current predicament. Under the agreements, the four tribes would be able to expand the aggregate number of slot machines they operate by 28 percent, yielding for each tribe a significant increase in revenue."

Get the Story:
Editorial: Gaming compacts just what doctor ordered for broken budget (La Voz De Anza 1/21)

Opposing View:
Martin Bennett: Overturn California Indian Gaming Compacts With a No vote on Props 94 to 97 (California Progress Report 1/23)