
California | Compacts | Opinion
Opinion: California compacts a jackpot for state

"Faced with a $14.5 billion deficit, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger already announced we may have no choice but to release tens of thousands of prisoners early. He has declared a "fiscal emergency" and proposes major cuts in state services to try to close the budget gap.

With this daunting fiscal crisis as a backdrop, voters are being asked to approve four ballot measures - Propositions 94, 95, 96 and 97 - that will provide real help for our state's budget woes. Voting yes on these important measures will ratify four Indian gaming agreements that would provide hundreds of millions of dollars in vitally needed new state revenues each year.

Over the next two decades, these agreements would give California a total of more than $9 billion to help balance the state budget and pay for public safety, education and other services statewide - without increasing our taxes.

Peace officers throughout California are supporting these measures because the revenue from these Indian gaming agreements would help us do our jobs. We are the ones who close down illegal drug labs, answer emergency 911 calls, investigate violent crime and protect residents and their property. When there's danger, we're among the first ones on the scene."

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Joe Flannagan: Props. 94-97: Taxpayer jackpot (The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin 2/2)